Energetic Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
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Heat integration is a technique for designing a process to minimise energy consumption and maximise heat recovery. The technique calculates thermodynamically attainable energy targets for a given process and identifies how to achieve them.

The present heat load on process equipments is calculated and various parameters like pressure, flow and temperature are compared. Simultaneously, generation side equipments are studied for their present operating capacity and maximizing the operating capacities.

Based on the comparison, the effect of increase in one constraint parameter (from pressure, flow and temperature) on the process is evaluated and schemes for heat integrations are developed.


  1. Heat Integration:
  2. Heat Integration is a systematic study of flow of energy from source to sink. This systematic study presents various methods to control the energy being lost in the surrounding, by turning its direction back to the system. This reduces the net heating and cooling demand; the extra cost required for modification is recovered by energy savings. Heat integration study also helped to improve the heating and cooling piping network so that no user starves for flow due to faulty piping network.

    Benefits to client:

    1. • Capacity enhancements of user equipments to its designed value by providing design flow to all users.
    2. • Productivity improvement due to Capacity enhancement of equipments.
    3. • Energy savings due to decrease of heating and cooling demand.
    4. • Resultant surplus in the capacity of generation equipment can be used for achieving higher throughput
    5. ECPL has provided this service in Deepak Novochem.
